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Tips to getting out of the "slump"

 Have you ever experienced the "slump?" I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but I've been trying to get back into running. My boyfriend and I are both training and planning to run a marathon (or half) next April. However, I've just been getting back to it this week after about two weeks off even though I really didn't feel like it. It is hard to get back on the horse, no matter what it is for, running or not. There is no denying it. Here are 3 tips I used to feel motivated again. 

  1. Find some people who inspire you and get into their content. Watch videos, listen to podcasts, check out their social media posts, and more. They often have the best tips for reaching your goals if they align with their brand and the journeys that they share can help inspire you to continue. 
  2. Another thing you can do is materialize your vision of your goal. I recommend vision boards and journaling your progress. This helps keep yourself accountable and in line with your own goals. Your wellness journey is unique to you. You can lean on others for support or motivation but your progress and steps are dependent on you. 
  3. The last tip I wanted to share was to allow for your rest and not beat yourself up for missing some days. It is easy to lose the drive we first had when beginning our journey if we get off the horse. It never gets easier but you simply have to take it at face value. It's a mind game. Like I've talked about before, maintaining motivation comes down to discipline. It is easy to talk yourself out of things that feel hard. You have to get over yourself and understand that you are responsible for your own steps and steps are the only way you make progress. Taking a few steps back here and there doesn't mean you have to go all the way back to the start, 
What do you do when you get in a slump? Did you find these tips to be helpful or valuable to you in journey?


  1. I thought these tips were very insighful an useful. Especially with school picking up and midterms around the corner, its definitely a time where slummping takes a toll. I definitely want to get into listening to podcasts because I think it will help but usually when I feel in a slump I take self care days for myself to mitigate my slump feeling.

  2. Really enjoyed reading this! I have definitely been in a slump recently and will certainly try some of these out. I find journaling and making lists of what I need to accomplish to be the most useful when it comes to motivating myself.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this and I felt like these are really tips. I will definitely use some of these the next time i'm in a slump and need to be motivated. I love listening to podcasts and it definitely helps me relax and feel more motivated.

  4. As a runner myself, I definitely can relate to this post. Especially when it gets to be hot outside, I find myself less motivated to go out and run. (I find I run much better in the cold.) One thing I like to do when I’m in a slump is cross train. If I’m not feeling a run, I will sometimes weight lift, do a core workout, or even do a bit of yoga. I was a cross country runner all through middle school and highschool, so I grew accustomed to running 5-10 miles a day, 6 days a week, year round. Now that I don’t have those obligatory practices, my running journey has become way more relaxed. I’ve slowly learned that taking a day off isn’t a bad thing and that it is much more important to listen to your body than try to stick to a strict schedule. Your body will tell you what it’s capable of, and if you don’t listen to it you’re likely to get injured (speaking from experience here). The best part about a “slump” is that when it ends, even if it takes a while, you feel so good when you finally get out of it. Running (and any form of physical activity/self care for that matter) should make you feel good, so don’t overwork yourself and don’t feel ashamed if you need a few days off.


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