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Creating a Balanced Morning Routine for a Productive Day

I love the mornings and firmly believe that they have a big impact on your day. Creating a consistent and positive routine can be difficult, especially when you're busy. If you're interested in doing this, here are a few things you can do to implement one at the beginning of your day. 
  1. First, you have to get up. You do not have to wake up at the crack of dawn (even though sunrises are so lovely😉) but give yourself time to have a morning routine. I wouldn't recommend sleeping till 12 either. I generally wake up between 6 & 8, depending on how I'm feeling and what I am doing that day. By rule of thumb, I like to be up at least two hours before I have to leave the house, as long as I am not sacrificing too much sleep. That also means you have to go to bed early enough to accommodate your morning schedule. 
  2. Figure out what your non-negotiables are. If I wake up late there are a few things I do not leave out of my routine. Everything else is something I am okay with starting my day without. That way, no matter what, you have that consistency in your mornings. Here are my non-negotiables:
    1. Skin-care. I do not go one day without washing my face. Even when I go camping, I take facial cleansing wipes, moisturizer, and sunscreen. It is important for me to feel clean and protect my skin. I could be running late and I would still take the few minutes it takes to do some skincare. 
    2. I always have a bit of quiet time to pray or meditate. Even if it's in my car on my way to school or work. It helps me get my mind and spirit in the right state before stepping into my day and interacting with the world. When I do not take this step in my morning, I find that my day can feel a little bit more chaotic, like I did not organize my thoughts and feelings before adding more to my mind. 
    3. The last thing I do is I always make the bed. It subconsciously inspires me to be more productive. It feels so good to accomplish something right away that I end up wanting to do even more productive things with my day.
  3. The last tip I have for you in creating your morning routine is to not give up when it feels hard or you miss a day. If you oversleep one day or do not have the energy to do your routine one day, that's okay. Don't let that discourage you from continuing with it the next day. The longer you wait to get back on the horse, the harder it gets. Just take it one day at a time. It takes time to implement a new routine so be patient with yourself and listen to your body. After all, you know yourself best. 
Do you have a morning routine? What are your non-negotiables? Was this post helpful to you? 


  1. I love the suggestion of making your bed in the morning. It's something I've been doing lately, and however small, it makes me NOT feel as lazy in the mornings. Plus, it's a great sight to see after a long day of school and/or work. I firmly agree that waking up early can have a much more positive impact on your day than staying up late.

  2. I work so much better with routines. I have this puppy that keeps me on my feet. I usually get my homework done two weeks in advance therefore can go to bed early. Ollie is now potty trained so we go to bed around 9 and wake up at 6 am. I feed her and then I feed myself. I try to not scroll on social media before bed but instead read a book. I am reading Six of Crows right now!


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